Workshop Details

Additional Workshop Information

Class hours:  8:30 -to- 5pm Both Days

Lunch: Catered lunch provided with a 1 hour break at noon.

Beverages and Snacks: provided throughout the day.

Please note: If you have specific dietary restrictions, let us know. It may be necessary for you to bring your own meal in such a circumstance.




What To Bring:

  • Appropriate shoes, clothing, sweaters etc. Be sure its clothing you won’t mind getting paint on. Weather wise,  please be prepared for either cold or heat.   Layers of clothing would be best.
  • Pen or pencil, a black sharpee, and notebook ( if you prefer to not write on handout sheets.)
  • roll of 1″ blue low tack tape (green is fine as well).
  • 1 1/2-2″ quality latex/nylon brush (really prefer if you could bring a professional grade brush like Purdy, Wooster, etc.) No Chip brushes please, (they  loose hair constantly & are poor quality)
  • a 1/2″ -OR- 1″thin brush (again decent quality please).
  • small sanding sponge block (fine, ultra-fine, super fine……any of these grits are fine) No Medium grit sponges please.
  • several  clean rags.
  • putty knife (as we call it in ATL, or 5-in-1 as many call it).
  • Paint Respirator (attached picture below is a basic spray mask sold at Home Depot and Sherwin Williams for about $25 and comes with dual filters).  This is an essential tool in cabinet finishing regardless of what type of materials and/or methods you ultimately choose to use. Hopefully you all already have your own respirators and use them regularly.